

The point opposite the zenith on the celestial sphere.

NAND gate

hradlo NAND

A logic gate in which the output is high unless all the inputs are high. NAND = NOT AND. This gate is simple to manufacture and can be used as a building block for many more complex devices.

near point

blízky bod

The nearest point at which the human eye can focus an object.


(pl: nebulae)


An object in the universe that consists, for he most part, of interstellar gas and dust, and that cannot be resolved to individual stars. The gas atoms may have been ionised by ultraviolet radiation from nearby stars and light may be emitted as these ions interact with the free electrons in the gas.

negative charge

záporný náboj

One of the two forms in which charge occurs in nature, denoted with the minus sign (-). It has the sign as the charge of an electron.

neglect (v.)

zanedbávať, zanedbať (napr. odpor vzduchu)


net force

výsledná sila

One vector of force that has the same effect as all the forces (components) acted upon a body or particle.



Any one of a family of three light (probably massless) neutral leptons. They are the electron neutrino, the muon neutrino and the tau neutrino. Neutrinos have no charge, probably zero rest mass, and move at the speed of light.



A neutral hadron that is stable in the atomic nucleus but decays into a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino with a mean life of 12 minutes outside the nucleus. Neutrons are found in all atomic nuclei except normal hydrogen.

neutron excess

neutrónový exces

Same as isotopic number.

neutron number

neutrónové číslo

Symbol N. The number of neutrons in an atomic nucleus of a particular nuclide.

neutron star

neutrónová hviezda

A compact stellar object that is supported against collapse under self-gravity by the degeneracy pressure of the neutrons of which it is primarily composed.



Symbol N. The SI unit of force.

Newton’s law of gravitation

Newtonov gravitačný zákon

There is a force of attraction between any two massive particles in the universe. For any two point masses m1 and m2, separated by a distance r, the force of attraction F is given by

F = Gm1m2/r2,

where G is the gravitational constant.

Newton’s laws of motion

Newtonove pohybové zákony

The three laws of motion on which Newtonian mechanics is based.

(1)   A body continues in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is acted upon by external forces.

(2)   The rate of change of momentum of a moving body is proportional to and in the same direction as the force acting on it, i.e. F = d(mv)/dt, where F is the applied force, v is the velocity of the body, and m its mass. If the mass remains constant, F = m.dv/dt or F = ma, where a is the acceleration.

(3)   (Action and reaction) If one body exerts a force on another, there is an equal and opposite force, called a reaction, exerted on the first body by the second.

Newton’s rings

Newtonove krúžky

Interference fringes formed by placing a slightly convex lens on a flat glass plate.

Newtonian mechanics

Newtonovská mechanika

The system of mechanics that relies on Newton’s laws of motion. It is applicable to bodies moving at speeds relative to the observer that are small compared to the speed of light.

nodal points

uzlové body

Two points on the axis of a system of lenses; if the incident ray passes through one, the emergent ray will pass through the other.



A point of minimal disturbance in a stationary-wave system.



An unwanted disturbance within a useful frequency band in a communication channel.

non-inertial frame of reference

neinerciálna vzťažná sústava

Any one of two or more coordinate systems where an observer stationary with respect to one of the coordinate systems would see an observer stationary with respect to any of the other coordinate systems as accelerating.

normal (n.)


A line drawn at right angles to a surface.

normal Zeeman effect

normálny Zeemanov jav

Zeeman effect in which a single line is split into three if the field is perpendicular to the light path or two lines if the field is parallel to the light path.

NOT gate

hradlo NOT

Same as inverter.



A star that, over a period of only a few days, becomes 103-104 times brighter than it was.

n-type conductivity

vodivosť typu n

The conduction that occurs in an n-type semiconductor

n-type semiconductor

polovodič typu n

A semiconductor in which the charge is carried predominantly by electrons rather than holes.

nuclear chain reaction

jadrová reťazová reakcia

A chain reaction in which the succession depends on production and capture of neutrons. Thus, one nucleus of the isotope uranium-235 can disintegrate with the production of two or three neutrons, which cause similar fission of adjacent nuclei.

nuclear energy

jadrová energia

Energy obtained as a result of nuclear fission or nuclear fusion.

nuclear fission

jadrové štiepenie

A nuclear reaction in which a heavy nucleus (such as uranium) splits into two parts (fission products), which subsequently emit either two or three neutrons, releasing a quantity of energy equivalent to the difference between the rest mass of the neutrons and the fission products and that of the original nucleus.

nuclear fusion

jadrová syntéza

A type of nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of low atomic number fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of large amounts of energy.

nuclear magneton

jadrový magneton

Symbol μN. A unit of magnetic moment,

μN = 5.05 x 10-27 Am2.

nuclear physics

jadrová fyzika

The branch of physics that concerns itself with the atomic nucleus, in particular the energy levels of nucleons within the nucleus, collisions between nuclei and the processes of radioactivity.

nuclear reaction

jadrová reakcia

Any reaction in which there is a change to an atomic nucleus.

nuclear reactor

jadrový reaktor

A device in which a nuclear fission chain reaction is sustained and controlled in order to produce nuclear energy, radioisotopes, or new nuclides.



A proton or a neutron.

nucleon number

nukleónové číslo

Symbol A. The number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus of a particular nuclide.

nucleus (of atom)

jadro (atómu)

The central core of an atom that contains most of its mass. It is positively charged and consists of one or more nucleons (protons or neutrons).



A type of atom as characterised by its atomic number and its neutron number.



The lens or system of lenses nearest to the object being examined through an optical instrument.




odd-even nucleus

nepárno-párne jadro

An atomic nucleus containing an odd number of protons and an even number of neutrons.

odd-odd nucleus

nepárno-nepárne jadro

An atomic nucleus containing an odd number of protons and an odd number of neutrons.



Symbol Oe. The unit of magnetic field strength in the c.g.s. electromagnetic system.

1 Oe = 103/4π Am-1.



Symbol Ω. The derived SI unit of electrical resistance.

Ohm’s law

Ohmov zákon

The ratio of the potential difference (U) between the ends of a conductor to the current (I) flowing through it is constant. The constant is the resistance of the conductor; i.e

U = IR



Any direct-reading instrument for measuring the value of a resistance in ohms.

omnidirectional aerial

všesmerová anténa

An aerial which transmits or receives energy equally well in all directions.

opaque (adj.)


Describing a material which does not permit light (or some other specified form of electromagnetic radiation) to pass through it. Compare transparent; translucent.



A mathematical symbol indicating that a specified operation should be carried out. Examples of operators: d/dt, Ö, Ĥ, etc.

optic nerve

zrakový nerv

Part of a human eye.

optical activity

optická aktivita

The ability of certain substances to rotate the plane of plane-polarised light as it passes through a crystal, liquid, or solution.

optical axis

optická os

The line passing through the optical centre and the centre of a curvature of a lens or spherical mirror.

optical centre

optický stred

The point at the geometrical centre of a lens through which a ray of light entering the lens passes without deviation.

optical fibre

optické vlákno

A solid glass or plastic fibre, typically thinner than the thickness of a human hair, that can transmit light. The light does not leave the fibre when it hits the edge, but passes along the fibre by the process of total internal reflection.

optical isomers (enantiomers)

optické antipódy (enantioméry)

Two forms of molecules each being the mirror image of the other.



The study of light and the phenomena associated with its generation, transmission, and detection.

OR gate

hradlo OR

A logic gate with two or more inputs that is high if any of the inputs is high.


orbita, obežná dráha

The path through space of one celestial body under the influence of the gravity of another.



A region of space in an atom or molecule that can be occupied by a maximum of two electrons.

orbital quantum number

vedľajšie kvantové číslo (orbitálové kvantové číslo)

Symbol l. The quantum number which governs the angular momentum of the electron. The possible values of l are (n-1), (n-2), … , 1, 0. Thus, in the first shell (n = 1) the electrons can only have angular momentum zero (l = 0). In the second shell (n = 2), the values of l can be 1 or 0, giving rise to two subshells of slightly different energy. In the third shell (n = 3) there are three subshells, with l = 2, 1, or 0. The subshells are denoted by letters s (l = 0), p (l = 1), d (l = 2), f (l = 3). See also atom

ordinary ray

riadny lúč

One of the two rays of double refraction, the one that obeys the normal laws of refraction. Compare extraordinary ray.


kmitanie, kmitavý pohyb

A motion that repeats itself at regular intervals. The time taken for one complete oscillation is called the period, whilst the number of oscillations in one second is called the frequency.



An electronic device that produces an alternating output of known frequency.



See cathode-ray oscilloscope.

out of phase

nesfázované (prekladá sa ...ktoré nie sú vo fáze...)

Describing two oscillations that are not exactly in step with one another or that are exactly out of step with one another.




ozone layer

ozónová vrstva

A protective layer consisting of the gas ozone, O3, 15 to 40 km above the earth’s surface. The ozone layer prevents harmful ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth’s surface.

pair production

produkcia páru, párová produkcia

The creation of an electron and positron from a photon in a strong electric field.



The angular displacement in the apparent position of a celestial body when observed from two different points.




parallel circuits

paralelný obvod

A circuit in which the circuit elements are connected so that the current divides between them.



A weak form of magnetism found in some elements and molecules (such as O2), causing these materials to have a relative permeability slightly greater than 1.

paraxial ray

paraxiálny lúč

A ray of light that falls on a reflecting or refracting surface close to and almost parallel to the axis.


rodičovský nuklid, rodič

A nuclide from which some other nuclide (the daughter) is produced by radioactive decay.



Symbol P. The property of a wave function that determines its behaviour when all its spatial coordinates are reversed in direction, i.e. when x,y,z are replaced by -x,-y,-z.



Symbol pc. Acronym of parallax second. A unit of length used in astronomy.

1 pc = 3.0857 x 1016 m = 2.06 x 105 AU.


1. častica


2. hmotný bod (v mechanike)

1. (in physics) One of the fundamental components of matter. See elementary particle

2. (in mechanics) A hypothetical body that has mass but no physical extension. As it is regarded as having no volume, a particle is incapable of rotation and therefore can only have translational motion.

particle accelerator urýchľovač častíc An apparatus for increasing the kinetic energies of charged particles, used for research in nuclear and particle physics. See also cyclotron; linear accelerator.

particle physics

fyzika elementárnych častíc

The study of elementary particles.



Symbol Pa. The SI unit of pressure.

Pascal’s law

Pascalov zákon

In a confined fluid, externally applied pressure is transmitted uniformly in all directions.

passive device

pasívny prvok obvodu

An electronic device, such as a resistor, capacitor or inductor, that cannot amplify a current.

Pauli exclusion principle

Pauliho vylučovací princíp

The quantum-mechanical principle, applying to fermions but not to bosons, that no two identical particles in a system (such as electrons in an atom or quarks in a hadron) can posses an identical set of quantum numbers.


vrch, vrchol, vlnove maximum




A system in which a point-like mass exhibits oscillatory motion. See also simple pendulum.

perfect vacuum

dokonalé vákuum

A vacuum that contains no atoms or molecules. This is unobtainable as all the materials that surround such a space have a finite vapour pressure.



The point in the orbit around the moon of a satellite launched from the earth that is nearest to the moon.



For an object in orbit around the earth, the position in the orbit that is closest to the earth.



The point in the orbit of a planet, comet, or artificial satellite in solar orbit at which it is nearest to the sun.



Symbol T. The time taken to complete an orbit or oscillation. It is measured in second (s).

periodic motion

periodický pohyb

Any motion of a system that is continuously and identically repeated.



Symbol m. The ratio of the magnetic flux density (B) in a substance to the external field strength (H), i.e.

m = B/H.

The permeability of free space, m0, is also called the magnetic constant and has the value 4p x 10-7 H.m-1 in SI units.

The relative permeability of a substance, mr, is given by mr = m/m0, and is therefore dimensionless.



Symbol e. The ratio of the electric displacement (D) in a medium to the electric field (E) producing it, i.e.

e = D/E.

If two charges Q1 and Q2 are separated by a distance r in a vacuum, the force between charges is given by

F = Q1Q2/r24pe0.

In this statement of Coulomb’s law using SI units, e0 is called the absolute permittivity of free space, which is now known as electric constant.

e0 = 8.854 x 10-12 Fm-1.

If the medium between the charges is anything other than a vacuum the equation becomes:

F = Q1Q2/r24pe

and the force between the charges is reduced.

e is the absolute permitivity of the new medium.

The relative permitivity (er) of a medium is given by

er = e/e0.

perpetual motion

perpetuum mobile

The state of some hypothetical machine which, once set to motion, would continue to move for ever without any further energy input.



1. Any one of the different arrangements in which the atoms/molecules of a certain substance may exist, as a gas, liquid, or as one or more solid forms (e.g. amorphous).

2. A measure of the stage that an oscillation has reached at a given instant, particularly when comparing two oscillations. Phase is usually expressed as an angle.

phase diagram

fázový diagram

A graph showing the relationship between solid, liquid, and gaseous phases over a range of conditions (e.g. temperature and prssure).

phase modulation

fázová modulácia

One of the types of modulation.

phase velocity

fázová rýchlosť

Symbol vf. In a travelling wave, the speed at which a point of a given phase travels through a material (i.e. the speed of propagation of a travelling wave).

vf = lf,

where l is the wavelength and f is the frequency.



A rotating vector that represents a sinusoidally varying quantity.

photoelectric effect

fotoelektrický jav

The liberation of electrons from a substance exposed to electromagnetic radiation. The effect is a quantum process in which the radiation is regarded as a stream of photons, each having an energy hf, where h is the Planck constant and f is the frequency of the radiation.



An electron emitted from a substance by irradiation as a result of the photoelectric effect.



A particle with zero rest mass consisting of a quantum of electromagnetic radiation.

physical quantity

fyzikálna veličina




The study of the laws that determine the structure of the universe with reference to the matter and energy of which it consists. It is concerned not with chemical changes that occur but with the forces that exist between objects and the interrelationship between matter and energy.

piezoelectric effect

piezoelektrický jav

The generation of the potential difference across the opposite faces of certain nonconducting crystals as a result of the application of mechanical stress between these faces.

pinch effect


A magnetic attraction between parallel conductors carrying currents flowing in the same direction. It has been widely studied as a means of confining the hot plasma in a thermonuclear reactor.

pion, pi-meson

pión, pi-mezón

An elementary particle classified as a meson.






A round metal plate, usually with a flat surface, which moves up and down in a cylinder in response to pressure changes.

Planck constant

Planckova konštanta

h = 6.626176 x 10-34 Js.

Planck’s radiation law

Planckov vyžarovací zákon

A law giving the distribution of energy radiated by a black body.

The expression for the monochromatic specific intensity Ef is:

Ef = 2hc-2f3/(exp(hf/kT)-1),

where h is the Planck constant, c is the speed of light, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the thermodynamic temperature.

plane angle

rovinný uhol


plane-polarised light

rovinne-polarizované svetlo

Light (electromagnetic wave) in which the electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields each oscillate in a single plane, perpendicular to one another and to the direction of light propagation. See also polarisation.

plane-polarised wave

rovinne-polarizovaná vlna

An electromagnetic wave in which the electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields each oscillate in a single plane, perpendicular to one another and to the direction of wave propagation. See also polarisation.



A large (roughly spherical) celestial body, composed mainly of rock or gas, that revolves around a central astronomical body, usually a star.

plano-concave lens

ploskodutá šošovka

A type of a diverging lens.

plano-convex lens

ploskovypuklá šošovka

A type of a converging lens.



A highly ionised gas in which the number of free electrons is approximately equal to the number of positive ions.



The property of solids that causes them to change permanently in size or shape as a result of the application of a stress in excess of a certain value, called the yield point.

pn junction, PN junction

prechod PN

A junction between a p-type and n-type semiconductor.

point charge

bodový náboj

An abstraction used in physics denoting a charged particle or a body whose size and volume is neglected (it is regarded as dimensionless particle - point) and only its charge is taken into the consideration.

point defect

bodová porucha

Defect that consists either of a missing atom or ion creating a vacancy in the lattice, or an extra atom or iron between two normal lattice points creating an interstitial.

point-like mass

hmotný bod, bodová hmotnosť

(used with pendulum)

A hypothetical body that has mass but no physical extension (i.e. no volume)

polar coordinate system

polárna súradnicová sústava

Coordinate system in two-dimensional space (plane) in which a point P is given in coordinates (r,j), where r is distance of P from the origin, and j is the angle between the x-axis and the radius vector OP.

polar coordinates

polárne súradnice

(r,j) - used in two-dimensional systems only.



1. The process of confining the vibrations of the vector constituting a transverse wave to one direction.

2. The partial separation of electric charges in an insulator subjected to an electric field.

polarisation of light

polarizácia svetla

The process of confining the vibrations of the electric vector (E) of light waves to one direction.



1. The point on the surface of an object (e.g. a planet) at which the axis of rotation passes through that surface.

2. The region on the surface of a magnet at which the magnetic filed lines enter and leave the magnet.

porous pot

pórovitá stena


position vector polohový vektor Symbol r. If a point P has Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) in a frame of reference with origin O, then r = OP, i.e. r = xi + yj + zk, where i, j, k are unit vectors along the three coordinate axes.
positive charge kladný náboj One of the two forms in which charge occurs in nature, denoted with the plus sign (+). It has the sign as the charge of a proton.

positive holes

kladné diery

See holes.



The antiparticle of the electron.

potential potenciál Short for electric or gravitational potential.

potential barrier

potenciálna bariéra

A region containing a maximum of potential that prevents a particle on one side to the other side.

potential difference

napätie, rozdiel potenciálov

Symbol U. The potential difference between two points in an electric field or circuit is the difference in the values of the electric potentials at the two points, i.e. it is the work (W) done in moving unit charge (Q) from one point to the other.

U = |φ1 - φ2| = W/Q.

potential energy

potenciálna energia

Symbol Ep. The energy possessed by an object or system as a result of its position or state.



The way of connecting a variable resistor in an electrical circuit so that we can have a continuous range of voltage from 0 to the total voltage.



Symbol lb. The unit of mass in the f.p.s. system of units. 1lb = 0.45359237 kg.



Symbol P. The rate at which work is done or energy transferred.

P = dW/dt or P = dE/dt.

In SI units it is measured in watts (W).

power factor (of the circuit)


cos φ, as in equation P = UIcos φ in an alternating-current circuit.

power of lens

optická mohutnosť šošovky




Symbol p. The force acting normally on unit area of a surface or the ratio of force to area.

p = F/S.

It is measured in pascals (Pa).

pressure energy

tlaková energia


pressure gauge


Any device used to measure pressure.

pressure law (Charles’ law of pressure)

Charlov zákon

For a fixed mass of an ideal gas held in a constant volume, the pressure is proportional to the absolute temperature; that is, the pressure divided by the absolute temperature is a constant,

p/T = constant.

primary cell

primárny článok

A voltaic cell in which the chemical reaction producing the e.m.f. is not satisfactorily reversible and the cell cannot therefore be recharged by the application of a charging current. Compare secondary cell.

primary colour

primárna farba

Any one of a set of three coloured lights that can be mixed together to give the sensation of white light as well as approximating all the other colours of the spectrum. The set of primary colours most frequently used is red, green, and blue.

primary winding

primárne vinutie

The winding on the input side of a transformer or induction coil.

principal quantum number

hlavné kvantové číslo

Symbol n. The quantum number that gives the main energy level and has values 1, 2, 3, etc. (the higher the number, the further the electron from the nucleus). Traditionally, these levels, or the orbits corresponding to them, are referred to as shells and given the letters K, L, M, etc. The K-shell is the one nearest the nucleus. See also atom.

principle of superposition

princíp superpozície

The resultant displacement at any point in a region through which two waves of the same type pass is the algebraic sum of the displacements that the two would separately produce at that point. Both waves leave the region of superposition unaltered.

progressive wave

postupné vlnenie

A wave in which energy is transferred from one place to another by the vibrations.

prompt neutrons

okamžité neutróny




An elementary particle that is stable, bears a positive charge equal in magnitude to that of the electron

proton number

protónové číslo

Same as atomic number.



A cloud of gas, mostly hydrogen and helium, that is collapsing under its own gravitation and may eventually become hot enough at its centre for nuclear fusion to take place, leading to the formation of a star.

psi particle

častica psi

See ψ/J particle.

p-type conductivity

vodivosť typu p

The conduction that occurs in an p-type semiconductor

p-type semiconductor

polovodič typu p

A semiconductor in which the charge is carried predominantly by holes rather than electrons.


kladka, kladkostroj

One of the six simple machines.



A star that flashes with a well defined period. Pulsars are now recognised as neutron stars, and the flashing is caused by the interaction between the radiation from the neutron star and its magnetic field.



Part of a human eye

quantum (pl. quanta)


The minimum amount by which certain properties, such as energy or angular momentum, of a system change.

quantum chromodynamics (QCD)

kvantová chromodynamika

A gauge theory that describes the strong interaction in terms of quarks and antiquarks and the exchange of massless gluons between them.

quantum electrodynamics (QED)

kvantová elektrodynamika

The study of the properties of electromagnetic radiation and the way in which it interacts with charged matter in terms of quantum mechanics.

quantum jump

kvantový skok, kvantový preskok

A change in a system (e.g. an atom) from one quantum state to another.

quantum mechanics kvantová mechanika A system of mechanics that was developed from quantum theory and is used to explain the properties of atoms and molecules.

quantum number

kvantové číslo

A number that represents the value of some quantity such as charge, which is conserved in certain types of interactions and which is only found in whole number multiples of some basic quantity.

In an atom, each electron can be characterised by a set of four quantum numbers, as follows:

(1) The principal quantum number (n) gives the main energy level and has values 1, 2, 3, etc. (the higher the number, the further the electron from the nucleus). Traditionally, these levels, or the orbits corresponding to them, are referred to as shells and given the letters K, L, M, etc. The K-shell is the one nearest the nucleus.

(2) The orbital quantum number (l), which governs the angular momentum of the electron. The possible values of l are (n-1), (n-2), … , 1, 0. Thus, in the first shell (n = 1) the electrons can only have angular momentum zero (l = 0). In the second shell (n = 2), the values of l can be 1 or 0, giving rise to two subshells of slightly different energy. In the third shell (n = 3) there are three subshells, with l = 2, 1, or 0. The subshells are denoted by letters s (l = 0), p (l = 1), d (l = 2), f (l = 3).

(3) The magnetic quantum number (m), which governs the energies of electrons in an external magnetic field. This can take values of +l, +(l-1), … , 1, 0, -1, … , -(l-1), -l. In an s-subshell (i.e. l = 0) the value of m = 0. In a p-subshell (l = 1), m can have values +1, 0, -1; i.e. there are three p-orbitals in the p-subshell, usually designated px, py, and pz.

(4) The spin quantum number (ms), which gives the spin of the individual electrons and can have the values +˝ or -˝.

According to the Pauli exclusion principle, no two electrons in the atom can have the same set of quantum numbers. The numbers define the quantum state of the electron, and explain how the electronic structures of atoms occur.

quantum state

kvantový stav

The state of a quantised system as described by its quantum numbers. For instance, the state of a hydrogen atom is described by the four quantum numbers n, l, m, s. In the ground state they have values 1, 0, 0, and ˝ respectively.

quantum theory

kvantová teória

The theory that energy is absorbed or released in discrete, indivisible units called quanta.



Any member of the fundamental family of particles from which all hadrons, including the proton and neutron, are made. Quarks are held together in hadrons by the strong nuclear force and come in six varieties called flavours (up, down, strange, charm, top, bottom).

quark confinement

kvarkové uväznenie

The hypothesis that free quarks can never be seen in isolation.



Acronym of quasi-stellar object. An object that appears as a star when viewed through a telescope, but which has an unusually high red-shift. It is now believed that many quasars are in fact extremely distant galaxies.