

Point defect created by missing atom or ion.



A space in which there is a low pressure of gas, i.e. relatively few atoms or molecules. A perfect vacuum would contain no atoms or molecules.

vacuum state

vákuový stav

The ground state in a relativistic quantum field theory. It has a zero-point energy, which gives rise to vacuum fluctuations.

valence band

valenčné pásmo

In the band theory of solids, the energy band occupied by the valence electrons.

valence electron

valenčný elektrón

An electron in one of the outer shells of an atom that takes part in forming chemical bonds.

valence shell

valenčná vrstva, valenčná sféra

The outer electron shell of an atom, containing the valence electrons.


valencia, mocenstvo

The combining power of an atom or radical, equal to the number of hydrogen atoms that the atom could combine with or displace in a chemical compound (hydrogen has a valency of 1).


1. ventil


2. elektrónka

1. Any device that can be closed or open to allow a fluid to pass through it.

2. Short for thermionic valve.

Van Allen belts

Van Allenove pásy

Belts that are sources of intense radiation surrounding the earth, consisting of high-energy charged particles trapped in the earth’s magnetic field within which they follow roughly helical paths.

Van de Graaff generator

Van de Graafov generátor

An electrostatic generator used to produce high voltage.

Van der Waals’ bond

Van der Waalsova väzba

A very weak bond that holds separate molecules together in molecular solids such as solid carbon dioxide. The bond originates from the Van der Waals’ force between neutral molecules.

Van der Waals’ force

Van der Waalsova sila

An attractive force between atoms or molecules.


para, výpar(y)

The gaseous state of a substance below its boiling point.

variable resistor

rezistor s meniteľným odporom

A resistor whose resistance can be changed, made from a layer of resistance material with a sliding contact. Depending on the way it is connected in a circuit, variable resistor can function as potentiometer or rheostat.



A quantity in which both the magnitude and the direction must be stated. Examples of vector quantities: acceleration (a), velocity (v), force (F)  etc. Compare scalar.

vector product

vektorový súčin

The product of two vectors u and v, with components u1, u2, u3 and v1, v2, v3 respectively, given by

u x v = (u2v3 - u3v2)i + (u3v1 - u1v3)j + (u1v2 - u2v1)k.

It is itself a vector, perpendicular to both u and v.



Symbol v. The rate of displacement of a body. It is the speed of a body in a specified direction and is measured in m.s-1.

very high frequency (VHF)

veľmi vysoké vlny

A radio frequency in the range 300 MHz - 30 MHz.

very low frequency (VLF)

veľmi nízke vlny

A radio frequency in the range 30 kHz - 3 kHz.

VHF band

pásmo VKV, pásmo VHF

The range (band) of radio frequency between 300 MHz and 30 MHz.

virtual image

neskutočný obraz

An image seen at a point from which the rays appear to come to the observer, but do not actually do so.

virtual particle

virtuálna častica

In quantum theory, a particle whose permanent existence is forbidden by the law of conservation of energy, but which can exist temporarily according to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

virtual state

virtuálny stav

The state of the virtual particles that are exchanged between two interacting charged particles.



A measure of the resistance to flow in a fluid.

visible spectrum

viditeľné spektrum

The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation to which the human eye is sensitive, approximately from 3.8 x 1014 Hz (780 nm, red) to 7.8 x 1014 Hz (380 nm, violet).

visual binary

viditeľná dvojhviezda

Binary star in which the stars are far enough apart to be seen separately by an optical telescope.

vitreous humour


Part of a human eye.



Symbol V. The SI unit of electric potential, potential difference, or e.m.f..



Symbol V (also U). An e.m.f. or potential difference expressed in volts.

voltage divider

delič napätia

Two resistors connected in series so that they divide the total voltage U into voltages U1 and U2.

U2 = U.R2/(R1 + R2)

voltaic cell

galvanický článok

A device that produces an e.m.f. as a result of chemical reactions that take place within it.



An instrument used to measure voltage, i.e. potential difference in volts.



Symbol V. The space occupied by a body or mass of fluid. It is measured in m3.

W boson


The charged particle that, together with the neutral Z boson, are the gauge bosons responsible for the weak nuclear force. There are two oppositely charged W particles, W+ and W-.



Symbol W. The SI unit of power.



An instrument for measuring the power in watts in an alternating-current electric circuit.


vlna, vlnenie

A periodic disturbance in a medium or in space.

wave equation

vlnová rovnica

Ť2u = (1/v22u/δt2,

where Ť2 = δ2/δx2 + δ2/δy2 + δ2/δz2 is the Laplace operator, u is the displacement, and v is the speed of propagation.

wave form

tvar vlny

The shape of a wave or the pattern representing a vibration.

wave function

vlnová funkcia

A function y(x,y,z) appearing in Schrödinger’s equation in quantum mechanics. The wave function is a mathematical expression involving the coordinates of a particle in space. The physical significance of the wave function is that the square of its absolute value, |y|2, at a point is proportional to the probability of finding the particle in a small element of volume, dxdydz, at that point.

wave number

vlnové číslo

Symbol k. The number of cycles of a wave in unit length. If the wavelength of the wave is l, then k = 1/l.

wave theory

vlnová teória svetla

The theory of light in which it was regarded as a wave, thus successfully explaining the interference of light. The theory led to showing that light forms part of the electromagnetic spectrum (James Clark Maxwell).


čelo vlny

A line or surface within a two- or three-dimensional medium through which waves are passing, being the locus of all adjacent points at which the disturbances are in phase.


vlnová dĺžka

Symbol l. The closest distance between two points in a wave that are moving in phase, for example the distance between two adjacent peaks. It is measured in metres.

wave-particle duality

vlnovo-časticový dualizmus

The concept that waves carrying energy may have a corpuscular aspect and that particles may have a wave aspect.

weak interaction

slabá interakcia

One of the four fundamental interactions, some 1010 times weaker than the electromagnetic interaction, that occurs between leptons and in the decay of hadrons. It is responsible for beta decay of particles and nuclei.

weakly interactive massive particle (wimp)

slabo-interagujúca ťažká častica

In cosmology, one hypothetical form of missing mass in the universe.



Symbol Wb. The SI unit of magnetic flux.


klínový mechanizmus

One of the six simple machines.



The force by which a body is attracted to the earth.


beztiažový stav

The apparent absence of gravity experienced in an orbiting spacecraft, or any other object falling freely in a gravitational field.

Wheatstone bridge

Wheatstoneov mostík

An electrical circuit for measuring the value of a resistance, consisting of three resistors of known values and one resistor of unknown value which we want to find out, and a galvanometer.

white dwarf

biely trpaslík

A very small hot star. As the surface area is small the luminosity is low. Such stars lie at the bottom left of the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram.

Wien’s displacement law

Wienov posunovací zákon

For a black body, lmaxT = constant,

where lmax is the wavelength corresponding to the maximum radiation of energy and T is the thermodynamic temperature of the body.



Weakly interacting massive particle.



Symbol W. The work done by a force acting on a body is the product of the force (F) and the distance (s) moved by its point of application in the direction of the force.

W = F.s.cos j,

where j is the angle between the direction of the displacement and direction of the force.

It is measured in joules (J).

work function

výstupná práca

Short for work function energy.

work function energy

výstupná práca

Symbol Wv. The minimum amount of energy needed to remove an electron from the surface of a metal in the photoelectric effect.

Wv = hf - Ek = hf0,

where h is the Planck constant, f the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation, Ek is the kinetic energy of the photoelectron, and f0 is the threshold frequency.

X-ray sources

zdroje Roentgenoveho žiarenia

Sources of X-radiation from outside the solar system.

X-ray tube

Roentgenova trubica

A device for generating X-rays by accelerating electrons to a high energy by an electrostatic field and making them strike a metal target either in a tube containing a low-pressure gas, or in a high vacuum.


Roentgenove lúče

Electromagnetic radiation of shorter wavelength than ultraviolet radiation produced by bombardment of atoms by high-quantum-energy particles. The range of wavelengths is 10-11 m to 10-9 m.

Yagi aerial

anténa Yagi

A directional aerial array widely used for television and radio telescopes.

Yang-Mills theory

Yang-Millsova teória

Another name for a non-Abelian gauge theory.



Symbol yd. The former Imperial standard unit of length.

1 yd = 3 ft = 0.9144 m



The measure of time on which the calendar is based. It is the time taken for the Earth to complete one orbit of the Sun. See also Calendar year; Solar year; Sidereal year; Anomalistic year.

yield point

medza klzu

See elasticity.

Young modulus of elasticity

Youngov modul pružnosti

Symbol E. The ratio of the longitudinal stress (sn) applied to a body to the longitudinal strain (e) produced.

E = sn/e

Young’s slits

Youngove štrbiny

The apparatus for proving the interference of light.

Z boson


An electrically neutral elementary particle, Z0, that together with charged W boson are the gauge bosons responsible for the weak nuclear force.

Zeeman effect

Zeemanov jav

The splitting of the lines in a spectrum when the source of the spectrum is exposed to a magnetic field. See also normal Zeeman effect and anomalous Zeeman effect.

Zener diode

Zenerova dióda

A type of semiconductor diode, consisting of a p-n junction with high doping concentrations on either side of the junction



The point on the celestial sphere that lies directly above an observer. Compare nadir.

zero vector

nulový vektor

A vector with magnitude equal to 0.

zero-point energy

energia nulového bodu

The energy remaining in a substance at the absolute zero of temperature (0 K).

zeroth law of thermodynamics

nultý termodynamický zákon

A definition of the concept of temperature, which states that if two bodies are each in thermal equilibrium with a third body, then all three bodies are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

zinc-carbon cell (dry cell)

zinok-uhlíkový článok (suchý článok)

A common type of electrolytic cell, which gives an e.m.f. of about 1.5 V and is not rechargeable.


zverokruh, zodiak

A band that passes round the celestial sphere, extending 9ş on either side of the ecliptic. It includes the apparent paths of the Sun, Moon, and planets (except Pluto). The band is divided into the twelve signs of the zodiac, each 30ş wide.